A fully functioning brake system is crucial to your safety, the safety of your passengers, and the safety of other drivers on the road. Your vehicle’s brake system involves highly engineered parts and precise movements that stop your vehicle by converting kinetic energy into thermal energy.
Over time, friction and heat has the potential to wear down the brake shoes, brake pads, calipers, brake rotors, and other braking components. While the components comprising each brake system may vary, the warning signs for impending brake repairs are the same.
If your brakes squeal or grind, grab causing jerky stops or your warning light flashes it may be time for a free brake system inspection.
Brake pad problems can usually be identified by squealing brakes. If your brake pads deteriorate completely, you’ll hear a grinding metal-on-metal sound when braking, meaning that it’s too late and you’re ruining your rotors or drums! Those with knowledge of auto repair may be able to fix this at home, but you should always see an auto repair professional immediately if you have brake problems.
Anti-lock Brake Systems (ABS) ensure that the wheels don’t stop rotating during braking, preventing the car from skidding and offering greater control. If your ABS light comes on, visit us where we will be happy to diagnose and fix the problem.
The brake caliper houses your brake pads and fits around the rotor like a clamp, pressing the pads against the rotor when you brake. A brake caliper problem could cause uneven braking, making your car slide forward when you brake. Uneven braking can also cause your vehicle to slide out of control in bad weather conditions, so contact Kwik Kar as soon as possible.
Noticing signs of faulty brakes and seeking out a brake service can save you money down the line. Our staff is trained in maintaining and servicing front and rear brake systems and all accompanying brake system components like brake pads, brake shoes, parking brakes, rotors, drums, and hydraulic systems.
If you experience any signs or symptoms of bad brakes, contact us online or call us today to have your brakes inspected immediately.